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Invertase insight: Google Gemini AI
It seems everyone is talking about artificial intelligence and wondering how it will affect the world around us. Here, you can find out more about Google’s new Gemini AI system and read about Invertase’s new extensions.
Creating a Quiz Generator using the ChatGPT Firebase Extension
You often want to test your knowledge when learning a new topic. You can get ready-made quizzes on the subject, but generally, they tend to be too broad. What if you only want to test yourself on the content you’ve just read? This is the problem statement we will tackle in this article: given some content, how can you create a quiz based on it?
Stripe Firebase Extension (October Release)
We are excited to announce many new features and improvements to the Firestore Stripe Payments Extension. This blog post aims to walk you through these updates, including support for the flow_data parameter in the createPortalLink function, creating Stripe customers on-the-fly with portal links and customisable payment methods options when making payments.
Summarize Text with PaLM API Firebase Extension
Artificial intelligence is all over the news, with new emergent applications of this technology popping in daily, from image recognition to help diagnose certain health conditions to clever AI chatbots that aid students in their classes.
Improve Flutter Performance with Background Isolates in Flutter 3.7
The future of Flutter is so exciting, the release of version 3.7 was full of announcements! Today, I want to draw your attention to something that was quietly announced before the fanfare of this release… Official support for Background Isolates with native plugins.
Angular full-text search in Firestore with Elastic App Search Firebase Extension
This tutorial provides a guide on how to use the Elastic App Search Extension, in order to quickly and efficiently search data saved in your Firestore Database. This extension works by syncing your configured Firestore data and automatically syncing it with the Elastics database.
Firebase Extensions Release Notes – January 2023
Latest updates for Firestore BigQuery Export, Storage Resize Images, and the Firestore Send Email extension. Some general housekeeping also includes updated documentation resources and work improving our CI environment.
Moderating comments through the Perspective API Firebase Extension
This article looks to show how we can moderate comments in real-time using Firebase Extensions.
Extension Events with Stripe and MessageBird
Learn how to enhance an E-ecommerce platform using Firebase Extension Events with Stripe and MessageBrid.
Optimizing remote images using the Invertase Image Firebase Extension
This article explores how to access and optimize images from various remote URLs.
Introducing the Image Processing API Firebase Extension
A look into the new Image Processing API Firebase Extension with examples
Image optimization with Firebase Extensions
In this blog, the use-case discussed is about images and Cloud Storage triggers. You will start from scratch, imagining an app where people can tell stories through words and pictures.